CO2 Emission from oligotrophic peatland soil of Western Siberia
Golovatskaya E.A., Dyukarev E.A.

Institute of monitoring of climatic and ecological systems SB RAS, Tomsk


The data on diurnal and seasonal carbon dioxide emission rates determined by static chamber technique from the surface of oligotrophic mire in southern taiga in Western Siberia in 2005-2007 are presented. The general dynamics of CO2 emission during the summer period is the increase of CO2 emission intensity to the middle of summer and a subsequent decrease towards autumn.  The mean values of CO2 emission was 118 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. Analysis of diurnal variations in CO2 emission has showed that the maximum CO2 flux has been observed at 4 PM, and the minimum flux at 7 AM. The average magnitude of daily fluctuations of CO2 emission was 74 mg CO2 m-2 h-1. Ambient CO2 concentration has maximum at 4 AM and minimum at 4 PM. The mean magnitude of CO2 background concentration was about 160 ppm. Established relationships between air temperatures and CO2 flux were used to estimate CO2 fluxes between measurement periods. It was found that the best time interval for measuring CO2 fluxes in summer time is from 10 AM to 1 PM. 

Keywords: peatlands, carbon dioxide emission, temperature. 

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